Pourdébuteraisémentdansletraitementargentiquedephotosnumériques,l'éditionEssentialvousproposeungrandnombred'effetsfilmsetdefonctionnalités ...,DXOisFREErightnow,soIhighlyrecommendgivingitatry.Itisnotatrial,ordemo..itisafullyfunctionalplug-inforfr...。參考影片的文章的如下:


DXO - Filmpack 3 Essential

Pour débuter aisément dans le traitement argentique de photos numériques, l'édition Essential vous propose un grand nombre d'effets films et de fonctionnalités ...

FREE! Sony and DXO offering Film Pack 3 Essential for FREE!

DXO is FREE right now, so I highly recommend giving it a try. It is not a trial, or is a fully functional plug-in for free with license ...

Film Pack 3

It has all of the emulations included in FP3 Essential and much, much more. Nevertheless, a gift is still a gift and should still continue to ...

DxO FilmPack 3 Essential

Use your imagination to produce realistic or creative retro-looking images! You can perfectly apply the quality, style, colors, and grains of the most famous ...

DxO FilmPack 3 Essential (PCMac)

評分 5.0 (1) It allows folk to get the app old film look in seconds. The program has a series of digital presets that allow you to take a stock digital image and manipulate ...

Free license of DxO FilmPack 3 Essential

This is a one month trial only. After that you'll have to buy it. Having tried it a bit, the effects offered are garish and unpleasant.

DxO FilmPack 3 Essential (100% discount)

30 film looks are available in the Essential edition, with hundreds of possible combinations. Reproduce the softness of a Fuji RealaTM film for your portraits, ...

DxO FilmPack 7

DxO FilmPack faithfully takes almost 200 years' worth of photographic science and keeps it alive, giving you instant access to historic film stocks.

DxO FilmPack 3 Essential...grab a free license til October, 31st 2013

DxO FilmPack is a piece of software which emulates the appearance of a certain film type on digital photos. More than 60 film types are ...


You may also upgrade from the ESSENTIAL EDITION to the EXPERT EDITION in this same manner using a special upgrade selection provided in the software. If you do ...


Pourdébuteraisémentdansletraitementargentiquedephotosnumériques,l'éditionEssentialvousproposeungrandnombred'effetsfilmsetdefonctionnalités ...,DXOisFREErightnow,soIhighlyrecommendgivingitatry.Itisnotatrial,ordemo..itisafullyfunctionalplug-inforfreewithlicense ...,IthasalloftheemulationsincludedinFP3Essentialandmuch,muchmore.Nevertheless,agiftisstillagiftandshouldstillcontinueto ...,Useyourimag...